Letters: Guidelines for Medical School Applications
How many letters of recommendation do I need and from whom?
We advise securing one nonscience and two science faculty letters. This approach will work most places, but you should check specific requirements at your state school(s) and any dream schools. Some schools give no specific guidance about types of letters (examples are WUSM and U MI); others have very specific criteria for acceptable letters.
What counts as a science (or nonscience) letter?
That is up to the medical schools. If the schools to which you’ll apply don’t have specific criteria for letters, you don’t need to worry about this question. If you are applying to schools that, for example, require a biology faculty letter and you want to know if your neuroscience course offered out of the psychology department will count, you really have to check with the admissions office of that school.
Resource for Recommenders from the AAMC - Guidelines for Writing a Letter of Evaluation for a Medical School Applicant: download (aamc.org).